Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zed Zed Zed

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Late Night Post


I'm surprised I'm still up and running.

Basically, I just tested my KFC craft for Father's Day and it works. Pop-up castle. Woohoo! And now I'm teaching the preppies and Year 1. Oh, they are so adorable with their short attention spans and constant fidgeting. No, seriously, I enjoy teaching least I begin tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure my mum knows what I'll be going through. She teaches big kids by the way, kids my age. She's a lecturer.

Design project is eating up most of my time. I just turn my head and look at other groups. Oh woe, they have finished their ultrafiltration calculations, another woe, one group has set up a Yahoo! group and are well organised in sharing the information. As for my group, we haven't even started on the energy balances yet! I just just spent two hours just calculating how much air needs to go in a spray dryer!

Seriously, I may have to rely on good ol' scaling up, 'cos there's no way Jose I'm gonna produce a report that stands out, but only one that makes the avergae mark...I hope my group doesn't settle for a pass...but I'm gonna keep praying on behalf of my group...wel, that is if I don't straight away go to sleep at 4am in the morning.

Yes dad, I still haven't started looking for jobs or applying for Masters. Stella's words has so changed my priorities. Well, I'm still adamant on going for a Masters, like it or love it or not. By October 31, I can still turn down the Masters scholarship if I get a job (Now why in tarnation would I do that for?) That would make my third scholarship I have turned down in my entire life...Gosh, I'm smart. That's what i get for thinking by myself.

Gotta be excited for the kids. Roargh!

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Typical Sunday

Today was fun.

Today we woke up at 6am because there was no setup last night because the hall was being used so we had to come on sunday morning to setup and so i woke up early.

Today we had Power Praise Party for Kids for Christ (KFC) where we got to see the children share what God has told them. We gave them papers and pens to draw out what God has shown them. Isabelle, lil' kinder girl, drew a sun, flowers, and a 'person that looked like me'. Everyone else thought it was cute, except I was too busy figuring out what it meant. Eleanor said it was a picture of heaven. Interesting.

Today we had picnic lunch. As always, my cookies were gone before I had a chance to eat them, even though this week I cooked 50% more. A girl who came to church for the first time instantly found me and told me how awesome my cookies were. I always feel it's a bit ironic, because the recipe for the cookies came from the back of a condensed milk tin...

Today we had Christian Development School (CDS). I missed out the first part because I had to drive people home. Lynette wore her Astro Girl boots. That made her taller than Zepeng. Zepeng wasn't pleased. Pastor Ian talked about God's plan for the ages right from the creation and the role of Israel.

Today we went shopping for the second time. Jill needed to buy stuff to make her onde-onde for multicultural festival on Monday onwards. Jean Marc tagged along. I had to hunting for pandan essence in Clayton. It was mildly exciting.

Today we made onde-onde. I brought Chyi along. Joab came and produced some balls and left. We ate pasta with 4 day old carbonara sauce, one day old chicken and 2 day old veg. Yum. At least the wanton and ikan bilis soup was fresh, together with my 'reject' onde-ondes, which I happily scrumped.

Today we had impromtu group shepherding. My sheep decided to teach my other sheep. The topic was Responsibilities of a Christian. I may have to have group instead of individual shepherding for this week.

Today we are not amused. I had not done any studying or homework at all. I should be worried.

Tomorrow shall be fun too.