Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Are Indecisive

I think it's simply weird that I popped into Jason's office and saw him watching the movie 'Fantastic Four'. Before I knew it, I was watching alongside him. In the movie, Reed Richards was always commented as someone who wanted to know all the facts before he made any decision. He was someone who 'always thinking but never acting'.

Then, I read Joyce Meyer's How to succeed at being yourself, and it talks about the exact same person, but he's someone who never realises his potential simply because he's too afraid to make mistakes or does not believe that God's power is made perfect in weakness.

The world IS full of so much unrealised potential that it's pathetic. Ouch.

Makes me stop to think, hey, that's the type of person I am. I don't have big dreams. My dad wants me to get a decent engineering job, any job as long as I work my butt off getting it. I am really into design. Not multimedia, although I'm quite ept (opposite of inept) in it. But the big metallic things you see in plants. I fancy that, but just not sure how to get there.

But more importantly, I had a conversation with the pastor's wife. It goes something like this:
Me: Hi!
PW: Hello, Shaun, how are you?
Me: I'm fine.
Me: Trying to think of a topic to talk about. What's a good topic to talk about? (Aren't I just sucky in conversations?)
PW: I know what we can talk about.
Me: What?
PW: What are you going to be in 5 years time and how are you going to reach it?
Me: Er...I'll get back to you.

It's a valid statement. Where am I going to be, character wise, job wise, ministry wise, partner wise in 5 years time? Instead of enjoying the race, have something to aim for, otherwise I'm just beating the air.

Right now, I should be asking God for big stuff, just like I used to ask for high marks (so when I don't get 'em, at least I have good marks to fall back on), but with faith. Inexperience is not an excuse. It's an opportunity to step out in faith and trust God. Bad experience is not an option. Paul said to leave behind past glories and past hurts and move on to the finish line.

God usually reveals things to me one after another. Last week was about giving from my heart (tithing). Now it's to live up to my potential, or at least unleash it.

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